Overview of Java Script
- Where does Java Script Fit in?
- Comparing Products
- Comparing Java Script to Java
- The Purpose of Java Script
- Prerequisites
Building a Java Script Program
- Using Java Script in an HTML Document
- Hiding Java Script from old Web Browsers
Reviewing HTML
- Text Formatting & Layout
- Hypertext Links & Anchors
- Tables
- Forms
- Frames
Basic Syntax Used in Java Script Commands
- Basic Commands
- Overview of Variables
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Concatenating String Variables
- Creating & Calling Function
- Sending Parameters to a Function
- Receiving Parameters out of a function
- Variable scope & Lifetime
- Functions Called by Events
Flow Control Structures
- If Structure
- If Else Structure
- For Loop
- While Loop
- For/in Structure
- Unary Operators
- Numeric Operators
- Logical Operators
String Processing
- Length
- Converting to all Upper or Lower Case
- Index of
- Last Index of
- Char At
- Substr.
- Standard Java Script Functions
- Creating an Object
- Adding Functions to an Object
- Multiple Instances of an Object type
History Object
- Accessing the History Object
- Creating Buttons
- History.Go Method
Date Object
- Creating a Date Object
- Setting the Date & Time by a Single String
- Separating Variables with Commas
- Displaying the Date & Time
- Time Zones
- Extracting the Date
- Extracting the Hrs
- Set Date Method
- Set Time
- Non-Data Object Functions
Using Objects like Arrays
- Creating an Array
- For Loop
- Time Status
- Buttons
Location Objects
- Loading a Web Page from the Clients Hard Drive
- Receiving a Document off the Web Server
- Anchors & Hypertext Links
- Tracking the on Click Event
Form Objects
- Button Objects
- Text Objects
- Text Area Objects
- Hidden Objects
- Check Box Objects
- Radio Button Objects
- Selecting Objects
- On Change Events
HTTP Cookies
- The Cookie Property
- Setting the Cookie Property
- GetCookie()
- SetCookie()
- DeleteCookie()
- Scope
- Lifetime
Calendar Application
- Static Calendar
- Dynamic Calendar
- Functions for Up-Dating the Calendar
- Assigning Values to the Dates of the Month
Math Object
- Constants
- Circumference Calculator Application
- Functions
- Referencing Objects in Other Frame
- Event Calendar
Shopping Cart Application
- Order Entry on the Web
- Looking at the Parent Object
- Creating an Array of Objects
- Ordernow Function
- Order Form
Form Validation
- Trapping Empty Fields
- Finding Invalid Values
- Intercepting the Submit Button
Using Java Applets
- Integrating Java Applets with HTML