Session 1: Node JS Modules
- Functions
- Buffer
- Module
- Modules Types
- Core Modules
- Local Modules
- Modules Exports
Session 2: Node Package Manager
- What is NPM
- Installing Packages Locally
- Installing package globally
- Adding dependency in package Json
- Updating packages
Session 3: Creating Web Server
- Creating Web Server
- Sending Requests
- Handling HTTP requests
Session 4: File System
- Read File
- Writing a File
- Opening a File
- Deleting a File
- Writing a file asynchronously
- Other I/O Operations
Session 5: Debugging Node JS Application
- Core Node JS Debugger
Session 6: Events
- Event Emitter class
- Inheriting Events
- Returning event emitter
Session 7: Express JS
- Configuring Routes
- Working with Express
Session 8: Serving Static Resources
- Serving Static Files
- Working with Middle Ware
Session 9: Database Connectivity
- Connecting String
- Configuring
- Updating Records
- Working with Select Command
- Deleting Records
Session 10: Project Development
- Project Development using Node JS